
Hi there.

Think of this blog as your new best friend.

It’s the friend who calls to tell you about her latest cheap thrill, the friend who sends links to everything she’s buying. And the friend who introduces you to all of her other cool friends.

I hope you can hang out for a while.

Trend: Yin & Yang

Trend: Yin & Yang

I’ve been seeing a ton of Yin & Yang product lately - even before the pandemic but during this shelter-in-place I feel like it really makes sense. Trying to find balance during this crazy time can be really challenging. How do we consider both movement and stillness, slow and fast, structure and function, order and chaos, etc..? I realize material objects are the last thing on people’s minds right now but this is one trend that goes a little further and when fashion is influenced by the world around us.

I hope everyone can find a little symmetry in their life right now. And if your broke like me but love the trend, you can attempt the Yin & Yang nail art. Please tag me in your pics if you do :)


All products in order from top to bottom:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Wish I could afford: J. Hannah Objet Pendant

Wish I could afford: J. Hannah Objet Pendant

Brainwave #2

Brainwave #2