
Hi there.

Think of this blog as your new best friend.

It’s the friend who calls to tell you about her latest cheap thrill, the friend who sends links to everything she’s buying. And the friend who introduces you to all of her other cool friends.

I hope you can hang out for a while.

Brainwave #5

Brainwave #5

I don’t think I am just speaking for myself by saying this quarantine/unemployment has forced me to really reflect on a lot of things both personally and professionally in my life.

With my background in the fashion industry as a designer, I, like so many others are trying to shift the way I purchase clothes (and everything really) in a more sustainable way. With that said I do realize that I promote some fast fashion on my blog and I want to try to explain/justify it a bit.

I am going to do my best to make sure the majority of all features will be a small business, black-owned/ minority-owned business, and sustainable companies. However, I write about things that I myself can afford, and shopping small and sustainable is more expensive and I can’t afford to live that lifestyle 100% of the time.

I have cut back drastically on the fast fashion I buy and even when I do buy fast-fashion I am making sure its something I will wear for seasons to come. With my background in design, I really know what is “worth the money” and everything that’s “in my cart” is something that I really have purchased and I know it’s a high-quality product for the price and it will last.

I am writing this because I don’t think I am the only one in this boat and if you are like me trying your best but just not financially able to make the switch 100% then you will understand what this blog is really about. My goal with this blog is to share things I genuinely love and would spend my own money on. I want to inspire people in an obtainable way.

If you made it this far and are still reading thank you! And thank you for reading my blog in the first place :) I hope I can continue to inspire and you will come back again!

Here are a couple of light-hearted things after that super long rant:

  1. I really did make the DIY foam mirror (photo below and you can check out my Instagram stories for more). It was super easy and fun- highly recommend.

  2. My husband and I are addicted to this show.

  3. I am currently reading White Girls by Hilton ALS and I would love to hear your thoughts if you have read this as well.


Wish I could afford: Mia Lounge Set

Wish I could afford: Mia Lounge Set

In my cart: BYM White Slides

In my cart: BYM White Slides